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Scp protocol error unexpected newline

14 Mar 15 - 06:13

Scp protocol error unexpected newline

Download Scp protocol error unexpected newline

Download Scp protocol error unexpected newline

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Dec 30, 2011 - I'm trying to scp into my computer at work but it won't let me. Its keeps giving me a Command not found. protocol error: unexpected <newline>.

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scp error protocol newline unexpected

Hallo,. ich kann per scp keine Dateien kopieren. Immer wenn ich mich einlogge bekomme ich die Meldung: protocol error: unexpected local machine through scp? sudo scp -r xxx@sdfs.prgmr.com:/etc/openvpn/ /home/home/VPS/ sudoprotocol error: unexpected <newline>[ubuntu] Intrepid broke scp7 Nov 2008Howto create chrooted Openssh SFTP without shell access through 11 Feb 2006More results from ubuntuforums.orgnet-admin.fr | protocol error: unexpected newline ( ssh is net-admin.fr/protocol-error-unexpected-ssh-is-working-but-not-scp-neitCachedSimilarApr 6, 2012 - protocol error: unexpected newline. I can ssh to a host , but I cannot scp, I cannot sftp. The problem was because of my banner, of my bashrc. returns the message "Received message too long: 167772160" and shuts the door while scp says: "protocol error: unexpected <newline>".banners and scp7 posts15 May 2009scp error, TERM env. variable not set?3 posts24 Nov 2005More results from www.linuxquestions.orgscp get error unexpected newline - novell.sles.configurecodeverge.com/novell.sles/scp-get-error-unexpected-newline/1955985CachedI see protocol error: unexpected <newline> message and scp exits Again, similar to the 1st problem, but you are copying from the remote side. What happened?

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Nov 7, 2011 - I am trying to scp a file from a server to my local machine, but it is giving me this error: protocol error: unexpected <newline>. This is my syntax: Dec 4, 2002 - When I use WinSCP I can work with a certain freebsd server just fine. When I use scp or pscp I get. Then shortly after that completes, the normal user's cron scp's these files to my file server using a .. protocol error: unexpected <newline>Jul 9, 2007 - Have you ever wondered how the scp and rcp commands worked? . I see protocol error: unexpected <newline> message and scp exits.

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